contact us
If you are interested in becoming more involved, please click HERE, and a member will contact you within the coming days. If you would like to receive occasional emails concerning upcoming events, please fill out the form below.
Likewise, if you have general questions regarding the Texas Gulf Coast Vizsla Club, please feel free to contact us at, or you may contact the appropriate member below. The committee chairpersons are always looking for a willing volunteer. You may also contact them by clicking their name.
President - Wendy Marzullo
Vice-President -
Secretary - Melinda Giles
Treasurer - Jan Nuzzo
Debbie Sullivan
Brennan Salassi
Agility - Connie Foland
Breed Referral - Karen Carnahan
Education - Melinda Giles
Field Trials/Hunt Tests - Amy Husband
Fun Days - Wendy Marzullo
Rescue & Library - Peggy Ross
Social Events - Connie Foland
Social Media - Debbie Duty
Specialty Shows - Melinda Giles