by Judy Richey; updated and edited by Amanda Lucas

The Texas Gulf Coast Vizsla Club was originally organized in the Waco area in 1980. The club's name was announced as the Lone Star Vizsla Club. Vizsla owners from across the state began to join. AKC then decided there was a problem with our name, stating it implied too large an area. They asked that we find a new name more suited to the area in which most members lived. The majority of members lived in or near the Waco area. With Waco being in the "heart" of the state, the name Waco Vizsla Club was decided and voted into being.

In the following years of 1981 thru 1989, and before the club’s name was changed to TGCVC, events such as: field trial matches, breed seminars, membership meetings, hunting test and field trial seminars, a parade of Champions and title holders, conformation and obedience fun matches, field training and Fun days, versatility test, agility training and "fun days" were held

By 1989 the majority of our regular membership resided in the Houston area. We were actively per suing licensing by AKC to hold specialty conformation and obedience shows. During our correspondence with AKC, they noticed our membership geographic area changes. Again, a request was received from them for a club name change. Our by-laws were again revised, approved, and resubmitted. With acceptance from AKC, the club became known as Texas Gulf Coast Vizsla Club. During all this, we were still striving to get licensed from AKC to hold specialty conformation and obedience shows. A newly introduced AKC hunting test was becoming very popular. A few members decided our club should try for AKC recognition via applying for a hunting test license. After applying and successfully holding two sanctioned hunting tests; a 'B' in October 1989 and an 'A' in January 1990, TGCVC was granted AKC recognition in 1990 to hold AKC Hunting Test. At that point TGCVC began to hold yearly licensed hunting tests.

With hunt test licensing behind, our attention again focused on the matter of gaining licensing to hold specialty shows. We began holding our required three 'B/OB and two 'A/OA' matches, with the last being held in March, 1993. During this time, the TGC Vizsla Club held a supported entry and Puppy Sweepstakes in conjunction with the Houston Kennel Club and funded a National Vizsla Club supported entry in conjunction with the San Jacinto Kennel Club in September 1992. In August of 1993, the TGC Vizsla Club held a supported entry and Puppy Sweepstakes with San Jacinto Kennel Club and a VCA supported entry with Cypress Creek Kennel Club; and a TGC Vizsla Club supported entry with Houston Kennel Club in August 1994, all at Astrohall. the TGC Vizsla Club finally achieved it's AKC license to hold specialty shows. Our first specialty was held in conjunction with the Houston Kennel Club at the Astrohall shows in August of 1994. Our club is now a member of the Houston Combined Specialty Associationm, and we now hold our specialty shows in conjunction with this association at the NRG Center.

Other activities held during the past years were:

  • Judges Education Seminar in September 1993 with VCA President, breeder and breed judge, Dr. Richard Hilderman, presenting the program, 
  • Breed education booth each year at Astrohall, Reliant Center, and now NRG Center,
  • Vizsla Rescue Committee was formed and the rescue program begun, 
  • Fun Days with training and education demos, 
  • VCA versatility tests for conformation and obedience,
  • Training classes in obedience, conformation, and hunting,
  • Education programs at the meetings,
  • Agility equipment was bought and paid for by holding training classes and Show and Go events,
  • an All-Breed Agility Trials is held every year at the Crosby Fairgrounsds, and  
  • AKC Canine Good Citizen tests were performed for both TGC Vizsla Club members and friends at events thoughout the year.

Throughout the years, we have kept up with an informative newsletter, the "Texas Tales," to keep everyone "in the know," held many many fundraising events to keep the club viable, and look forward to holding many social events to come so that we can spread the love of the breed from person to person and dog to dog.  See you at our next event!  We look forward to having you there!