
Each breed recognized by the American Kennel Club (“AKC”) has been placed in one of seven groups (Sporting, Hound, Terrier, Working, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding). The Vizsla is in the Sporting group. Each breed has a written standard set forth by the breed's parent club and adopted by AKC. In order to become an AKC Registered Champion,  a dog must first exhibit features that fall within the limits of these standards. Then it must compete and be judged among other like dogs in conformation shows in order to gain the required number of points and majors to be titled a Champion (“CH”).

Dog clubs may hold two conformation shows per year. Dogs entered into these shows compete with other dogs of the same breed for points which go toward achieving an AKC Champion title. Once a dog has been judged and met the requirements set forth by AKC to become a champion, it gains the title of “CH” placed in front of its registered name.

AKC dog shows are set up with classes for dogs (males) and classes for bitches (females).  When all the class dogs have been judged, the first place winner of each class competes for Winners Dog.  The procedure is the same for bitches to determine Winners Bitch.  Only then do the sexes compete against one another.  At this point, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch compete with AKC champions of record  for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed,  and Best of Winners.

The Best of Breed winners are eligible to compete in its assigned group.  The first place winner of each group then is eligible to compete for the coveted title of "Best in Show". A dog does not have to be a champion to compete for Best of Breed or Best in Show.

AKC registered dogs without the title of Champion attached to their names may or may not meet the breed’s standard. It is then the duty of the viewer of such dogs to satisfy themselves whether dogs meet the breed standard.

In registering litters and individual dogs, AKC makes no guarantee of the quality of the breeding, soundness, temperament or health.  AKC relies almost totally on the ethics and honesty of breeders who register litters with them.  It is the responsibility of a puppy buyer to be informed and to assure themselves as to the quality of their purchase.

AKC has devised a way for anyone to show or be able to determine the worth and ability of any particular dog by offering a variety of competitions (obedience, agility, herding, etc.) to dog owners. Dogs completing the requirements for any particular title will have that title attached to its registered name. Any title that precedes a dog’s registered name indicates it competed against other dogs to achieve that title. Any title which follows a dog’s registered name indicates the dog met at least a minimum set of standards set forth by AKC for that title.

You should now understand that AKC registration does not attest to a dogs health, temperament, worth or ability. This also goes for its offspring. It is the continued endeavor by dedicated breeders to add AKC titles to their dogs and their dogs offspring that gives an individual more than a guess as to the worth of a dog. It must be stressed that there may be no puppy in a litter that will have the temperament to fit your needs

