Caring for your vizsla should be no less important than caring for your child

  1. Groom your dog at least once a week, including nail clipping and checking all parts of your dog’s body. Check for sores, wounds, ticks, fleas. Wipe out ears and check mouth and teeth.
  2. Neuter or spay your dog as soon as your veterinarian recommends. The sooner the better. Altered pets live longer healthier lives and make superior pets. Many times this will help behavior problems and make training much easier. It will help make your dog a more attentive companion. Leave the breeding to those experienced with the breed and that know what they’re doing when they combine one lineage with another lineage.
  3. Socialize your dog. Careful exposure to different people, sounds, sights, smells and situations are a critical factor in what the dog gives back to you in its lifelong behavior. A pup between 10 weeks and 6 months is like a little sponge. Make the most of this time period and make as many pleasant encounters with the environment as possible.
  4. Set goals. Be realistic and take the time to teach and learn. Evaluate your progress and make changes where necessary. All dogs are different and some learn things faster than others.
  5. Be patient with your training. At first your dog has no idea what you want from him. Praise and cheer him when he gives you the response you want. Don’t train when you are upset or in a bad mood.
  6. Train with a motivator, like food or a special toy then use that motivator as reinforcement later on for a correct response.
  7. Try to make training fun. Fun for you and fun for your dog. Sometimes you need to laugh. Enjoy the time you are spending with your dog.